Thursday, January 25, 2018


The Rain

Everything is etched in time, just like
The shadow of the world as it bends in
The rain.  Rain patters on my window
And it is wintertime.  Where it is supposed
To be snowing but it isn’t, and the birds
Have come back and the weather is warming.

Suddenly things become perpetually sunny,
And the warmth is on my back and I go outside,
Letting the warmth sink in me.  It has finally
Stopped raining and I think this is what it
Must feel like to be in God’s perpetual
Creation, forming things every second of
Every minute of every day, listening to the

Rhythm of every heartbeat, listening for
Perpetual reason.  There is a reason for everything
I guess, just like there is a reason for rain.
The rain is there, and it starts again, and the sun

Goes back behind the cloud, but the memory of
The warmth touches me, shatters me in its
Stillness, and I am a whole being, always

Waiting to be reborn.

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