Friday, December 28, 2018


A black man used a phone in the lobby

the police were called
and the room became cold
a daffodil grew in the vase
the night stared blankly
at me
the curtains were drawn
an old man moaned
he was sickly

nothing moved
except the wind
that cried at the window

the black man cried
he was brought a block of
and a box of rum
he sat there chewing and chewing
his mouth full of grease

the night wore on
night became still like death.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Snow Egret.


The snow egret looks out over the water.
The snow egret falls.
The tide shifts.
It is the light.
It is the darkness inside us.

Some people are being ignored right now.
Thrown out with the waves on the shore.
The stones move, and are broken.
Shells are broken like a cross.
Anger makes the ocean move.

The snow egret is one of the last, sadly.
No one lives here.
It is the end of time.
Hope is in the darkness,
of sad things lost.
Some children are lost.
They will never be found.

I found something once.
It did nothing for me.
I tried to change my mood about
finding things.
But nothing could be changed.

I wander down into the snowy water.
It is cold.
We are here.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018



The broken clown
sifts like moving water
the glass house

is a dream
a metaphor
of something long past.

The darkness is like stone.
Everything is hollow inside,
a hollow shell.
No one wanders here,
lost like a lone mile,

everything is prude.
Stones are broken.
Like sad things moving.
Shadows move and bend with time.
I am darkness.
I am the wind that moves.

I am the grass.
I am the lone echo crying in the night.
The lone winter moor.
Shadows fade.
Time bends.

Sunday, December 09, 2018



In the projects I am wakened by
the sound of gunshots
down the street
the bitter wind is blowing
and I cannot see the back of my hand
in the deep night.
Shadows jump all around me
and the cold winter is upon us
just like shaped things that move like
Thoughts are willed, stilled.
I am holding onto a breathless moment
that is caught in a spiderweb of dew,
like the forgotten shadows of March
I commit myself to the act of sorrow,
the broken bones of night.
I cannot hear myself breathe.
They are listening, like moving things,
and sometimes you can hear them-
skulking about in the stillness,
a man moving in his slumber.
I found myself on borrowed time.
Like a web of dreams that lie
awake at night and cause me to
scream in desperation,
shadows marching upon the stone.