Wednesday, January 31, 2018

A Night of Shadows.

A Night of Shadows

Shadows are broken of stone.
Darkness falls; I dwell inside.
Nothing can be broken, not even
Myself.  Destiny is within.
Everything is bitter with age.
Friendships wan; new people come in,
And pick you up from where you were.
Trustworthy people collide in each other’s
Hearts and arms; shadows sing of us.
A nightingale sings its love to the moon,
Trust is not broken.  How I long to hold
The moon in my arms, when time is still
And becomes over and done,
Journeys are begotten and fade to gray;
And night stands tall.
I wish to break myself of this tide;
The heart is lonely and wants to speak of
Reason, the night comes and nothing is
Moved.  Hell is moved.  There are plenty of
Us that do not wish to live in Hell,
And we try to be good citizens but we are afraid;
And the abusers stand tall and seek resolution;
But outside of the universe the night wakens
And a lunar eclipse emerges,
A blue moon forms.

Light awakens.

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