Saturday, January 20, 2018


How To Believe

I want to believe you, I really do,
She said, with unkempt hair and big
Eyelashes, batting at them like a
Batter getting ready to make a fly ball.
Some chances are gone in the wink of
An eye.  Others are just around the corner.
Some people are selfish while others
Are kind, and the kindness in others can
Be vast as the ocean itself.  I stay at home
All day, playing video games on my computer,
All the while wishing I had seen better days,
Wishing I was the batter at the bat,
Wishing things would change.  Some things
Never change, she said.  I believed her.
For a long time, I believed her, but I also
Believe as long as you keep moving forward,
You can make progress-progress that will
Last forever.  Just like true love.
True love exists in the world and you have to
Find it.  No matter how long it takes or where
You have to go to get it.  It’s there, waiting
Just around the bend, something lost,

Something found.

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