Sunday, December 31, 2017

Like Water.

Like Water.

You move like water, and run swifter than
Thunder crashes.  All hope is dashed.
Morning shatters in the stillness, there are rain-
Drops everywhere on the ground.

Mud squelches in my shoes.  My children are
Playing in the mud.  That is their home, the place
They love more than being inside, which is
Outside, where they dwell.  The walls can sometimes
Be disheartening, and not what one expects it to be.

We are grateful for it, yes, but nothing can be
Forgotten in her heart or in her mind, the shattering
Thunder and the lightning, and the children must
Stay inside until it dies down.  A tree is struck
With fire.  The fire burns and the tree burns with it.
Fire is the end to all things.  It burns and it is everlasting,

And then the sun is deeper than the dark, and everything
Burns in it and there is no hope in it either because
All hope has drowned.  The lightning flashes,
And rain pours down, down, down, and feelings are
Different than they were before.  But some things
Never change.

You move like water, and run swifter than lightning.

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