Wednesday, December 27, 2017

How I Live In Barcelona.

How I Live In Barcelona

Barcelona is the city without
Lights because the stars are so
Bright at night, that they shine upon
What little world people live in.
Some days I find myself wishing I was
Somewhere else, because every day I have
To walk to work, passing homeless men
And homeless dogs in the street, hearing
Men’s catcalls, trying to find a way out
Of this rut, while others are making millions
From poor men’s suffering.  My father was poor…
He was a farmer on the outskirts of the city,
And every day he would wake up at 4am
To feed the cattle and milk the cows,
And every morning he would wake up all
The other farmer’s hand he had hired and they
Would help him feed the cattle and milk
The cows, and then my mother, God bless her
Soul, would make breakfast for the crew
And my father would bad mouth her behind
Her back, and then she would cry at night
Because she didn’t have nice things.
I live in a little house on the edge of the city,
It is a nice little house with running water,
But I do not have a nice car or nice clothes,
Because my clothes come from used clothing
Stores in the city, or I buy them online and have
Them mailed to me through FedEx.
I am not the only one who does this, and I will
Never be the only one, but I feel like I am on a
Lonely voyage, going from place to place with
Nothing to hold onto but an anchor that is not
Even that close to shore.
Sometimes, I feel like I am drowning,

And only the soft glow of the city lights can save me.

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