Thursday, December 21, 2017

Her Best Friends.

Her Best Friends

The canoe dances on the water.
It is light outside, 5am.  A woman is
Wanting to go fishing in her canoe.
She made it herself five days ago.
She lives alone with a pack of wild dogs,

And goes out to the field to feed them
Every morning.  That is where they live,
That is where they have made their home.
Her love of animals comes from the fact
That she has never loved herself.  The truth

Has not destroyed her, it has merely set
Her free.  She thinks Nature is grand.
Sometimes she takes binoculars and goes
Off hiking into the woods, to see all
The pretty birds.  The robins, even the

Crows, though they kinda scare her because
She wonders if they would rather eat her. 
She supposes they would be hungry.
But the canoe sits in the water, every day,
Waiting for her arrival-waiting for her like

A long lost friend.

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