Saturday, February 24, 2018

Simple Lessons.

Simple Lessons

Some people think you have to be rich or
Pretty or popular.  I say you have to be nice and
Kind, you have to dress warmly and say appropriate
Things.  I say you like what you like and if people don’t
Like it then don’t care about them.  Life is what you
Make it.  You can go fast or slow if you want to.
Don’t let anyone tell you to deter you from your
Track.  Don’t let a man break your heart unless you are
Willing to go the extra mile for him.  Don’t talk back
Unless someone is disrespecting you.  Don’t be bitter.
Don’t hate.  Don’t spit on the poor because they will
Spit back, in one form or another, through their
Smell or lack of money.  Some people can’t help but
Be poor because of their friends or relatives and it isn’t
Really their fault, but you can get help if you look for it
And then you will be well.  Wellness is a great thing,
A wonderful thing, something you shouldn’t take for
Granted.  And by wellness I mean a healthy mind
And a healthy heart.  You don’t have to be a genius
And you don’t have to be a supermodel.  You have to
Have a kind heart.  Because the kind heart will always
Win and the mean heart will always lose.  Be kind

When you must.

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