Monday, July 09, 2018


I do Not Know Except How I know

I do not know except how I know,
My eyes speak like withering vines,
And travel along the end of days.
Speak to me of reasons unknown,
In bitter temptation, and heartfelt promise.
I told you I didn’t want to know anything,
That I wanted to remain blind, deaf, and dumb,
That I didn’t want to know the receding of the tide
Or the way the winds move or bend,
Or how destiny cannot change your perception
Of anything until the last moment,
Or how you talk or move or drive,
And sometimes I am not hungry and then I am,
And sometimes I wake and am hungry again.
I found myself in this mood of forgetting,
On occasion, about different things,
And the tides turn and everything turns,
And the moods are forgotten with the tides,
And we make things out of broken things,
And death rises out of the ashes like a song,
And in the tiring mood, you are wanted,
And in the hunger you forget to be born.
I do not know except how I know.

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