Sunday, May 27, 2018


The Sea and the Night

My heart is blacker than the night.
It seethes and burns like a sea.
I am the night that is darker than this,
I am the sea that is born of nothing.
Nothing resides within myself.

Nothing is everywhere that I am not.
Lucky is the darkness that is the night;
Luck is the turning of the tide as the ship
Comes in, water crashing against its sides,
Water rushing over the wooden floors
That bend and move and wave because
A storm is coming and it will last forever.

The sea is going on forever until it evolves
Into a calming thing that we like to see,
To move in and feel against our faces.

The clock is ticking.  The night is bitter
And the moon’s round face is hidden
In shadow, and the water is dark,
And everything is dark in it.

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