Sunday, May 27, 2018


For all time, I will wander, lost,
in the sea of the world.
For all time, I will dream of what
I can't have and what I didn't do.
My love has been lost in an
endless sea filled with rage.
I am lost with the endlessness of time.
Time is a ragged thing, long and winded.

It tears at you with its claws and you try
to break free and can't, something holds
you back, your memories and the faces of
the ones you love.
Memories are strange, forgetful things
that have no thoughts or feelings but still hide
deep inside of you and try to make you forget
the greatness that is you, that is the world,
that you are not lost or unloved.
I still wander lost and afraid, unknown to
the battle field, and my heart yearns
for freedom.

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