Wednesday, November 22, 2017

My Great-Grandfather’s Mince Meat Pie.

My Great-Grandfather’s Mince Meat Pie

I make mince meat pie from scratch from a recipe
My great-grandfather had brought all the way from
Turnpike, New Jersey, back when he was a wee child
And had bought the recipe for forty cents from a
Bake sale.  His mother was so proud.  Every day

After school, he would practice making the pie
With his little pan, and with the help of his grandmother,
He would put in the right ingredients and cook it
Exactly the right way and it would come out, nice
And sizzling, from the stove. 

They had older stoves back in the day,
Not the new ones they have now,
With their digital timers and self-cleaning ovens,
No, he had to clean his grandmother’s stove himself,

By hand, with soap and water.  But the hard work
And wait would be worth it, because every week,
After trying hard to get the recipe to come out right,
He would eagerly come home from school on Friday
Afternoons and sit down at the table, his legs swinging
Over the edge of the seat, waiting in anticipation for

The great piece of food to enter his cute little mouth.

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