Tuesday, December 03, 2019


Christmas Dayz

I am past thirty and the days are getting longer, colder,
more bitter. I find myself looking into the flames of the fire
place and dreaming of white Christmas, just like the ones
you used to know and all that rubbish. I wish I could
see Santa. I wish I could get a dog for Christmas and
walk him every day and feed him dog cookies like I used
to do with Ruff, my little dog from long ago. I miss him
now, him who is in Heaven, running with all the other dogs
that had passed on, running forever, his little legs carrying
him as far as he wanted to go, which wasn't very far,
or maybe further, I couldn't speak dog language then and I
can't speak it now. Very little I wanted for Christmas,
maybe just one package. And then I will be happy.

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