Thursday, October 26, 2017

Shores of Yellow Daisies.

Shores of Yellow Daisies

In a yellow field of flowers, I have looked up
And seen space-space filled with temptation,
And nothing all the while.  Here we are forgetting
Everything we have learned in school, including
Algebra, relying solely on outward help-maybe in

As far away as Antarctica, where nothing thrives
But snow and cold.  I have lived this life that does not
Wither; I have lived this life that has forsakened me;
Where are we now, on this iceberg, rowing slowly

Out to sea, trying to focus on the sight ahead,
The sight behind, and back and forth around me.
The field is yellow.  Maybe they are sunflowers,
Maybe they are daisies that had a genetic mutation.

I never knew so many words could fill up inside me,
As if I were rowing towards something more than caffeine,

Waking up day to day towards the shores of myself.

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