Saturday, April 04, 2020


I Made a Home

I made a home for me and Bob.
He was an expert on garden Hoses.
He would get up early in the morning
and feed and water the horses,
while I was still asleep-I am thankful
for the time I get to spend with Bob,
he is adorable and faithful,
and he loves me. Bob and I met
at a local bar some time ago,
and he asked me out, liking how
I looked, with my flowing red hair
and billowing smile. Though I never
liked my smile, it was a bit redundant,
and I was a bit suspicious of him
at first, because no man had ever paid
any attention to me before-I was always
left at home with someone else's kiddos,
the baby-sitter and occasionally the
nanny. I wasn't the teacher's pet by
any means, and I loved where I was,
hoping and praying we would have


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